Day 1 - Introduction To DevOps

Day 1 - Introduction To DevOps

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a collaboration between Development and IT Operations to make software production and deployment in an automated & repeatable way.

DevOps helps increase the organization's speed in delivering software applications and services. The full form of 'DevOps' is a combination of 'Development' and 'Operations'.

DevOps can be defined as an alignment of development and IT operations with better communication and collaboration.

DevOps is an umbrella term that describes the operation of a team collaborating throughout an entire programming production process from the design through the development stages.

What is Automation, Scaling, and Infrastructure?

  1. Automation:

-> Automation is the use of technology, tools, and processes to perform tasks with minimal human intervention.

-> It can significantly improve productivity, consistency, and reliability in various domains, and allow organizations to focus on innovation and higher-value activities

-> Automation in DevOps boosts speed, consistency, higher accuracy, and reliability, and increases the number of deliveries. It also encapsulates everything right from the building, deploying, and monitoring.

  1. Scaling:

->Scaling is the ability of a system, application, or organization to handle increased workload or demand efficiently without sacrificing performance, reliability, or user experience.

->It involves expanding resources, such as servers, infrastructure, or processes to accommodate growth or sudden spikes in usage while maintaining or improving overall performance.

  1. Infrastructure:

-> Infrastructure is the underlying foundation of hardware, software, networks, and other components necessary to support the operations of an organization, system, or application.

-> It encompasses everything from physical data centers and servers to virtualized environments, cloud services, and networking equipment.

Why DevOps is important?

DevOps is important because it helps organizations deliver high-quality software faster, more reliably, and with greater efficiency.

It also bridges the gap between development and operations. In today's rapidly evolving technology businesses aim to do well by making their software delivery better, coming up with new ideas, and giving customers great experiences.